Sunday, September 26, 2010

Oblate Retreat Check-In in Pictures


Unload your car here when you first arrive, then move your car to the parking lot. Carts should be available at check-in on the second floor of the abbey to help you take your luggage to the fourth floor.

2 Note Cloister Walk to right

Stairs or the ramp will take you to cloister walk and through the brown double doors.

Doors at the end of the cloister walk. Go through the brown double doors.  This door may be locked with a code lock. But it should be open for the retreat. If it is locked call John Bakas.  

Then you go up a slight incline to the check-in on the second floor of the abbey.

This is just inside the brown double doors. At the top of this incline is the second floor of the abbey and a door on the right into the lobby for check-in.


Door to second floor of abbey and lobby where you check-in.   

Lobby on the second floor of the abbey. At the check-in table, SIGN IN, and get your key, and get your name tag, and any handouts.  Your room will be listed on the sign-in sheet.  The elevator to the fourth floor is in the lobby.  Carts should be in the lobby to help get your luggage from your car to your room.

space holder


Retreat kitchen on the fourth floor of the abbey. It is always available to retreat guests. This picture was taken in front of the small table which is a good place to read in the middle of the night with a cup to tea or talk with fellow coffee drinkers in the morning.

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